BEST Places to Live in SPAIN as a Foreigner

Are you planning to purchase a property in Spain? In this video we bring you our own personal views on the best places to live in Spain as a foreigner

0:00 Best Places to Live in Spain
1:00 #7 Madrid
2:15 #6 Barcelona
3:42 #5 Canary Islands
4:49 #4 Balearic Islands
6:09 #3 Valencia
7:10 #2 Costa Blanca
8:15 #1 Costa del Sol

At Emergent Investors Spain we provide comprehensive & customized immigration, banking & real estate solutions to foreign property investors in Spain

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  1. This company is misleading, they bother making an informative video like this, offer their services and invite you to their website or an "assessment call" but the moment you get to their website, they ask you a series of questions (some of them are clearly to see if you are someone they should be bother with or not) If your answers reflect you're not a client they will make profit out of, you get practically ghosted. Disgusting.

  2. You give wrong information about temperature of cannary island. I live in all island in canary ,the temperature is sumer 35 – 40 ,all year is 21-28 degrees ,even in December 20-21 degrees in canary Islands. Rain remain only 1 or 2 weeks all over the year.

  3. I am retired and have an Italian Euro passport.I lived in Barcelona..San Cugat.. but it was too hot in summer.I want to buy a small apartment so can you recomend the area that is warm in winter and cool in summer.

  4. I enjoyed this video. However your video screen behind you is sputtering because your frame rate on the camera you’re using is set to a different rate than the video screen which makes it very distracting.
    That being said, we traveled to Barcelona this past summer and fell in love with it. The food, the atmosphere, the beautiful architecture and the people made a vacation to remember.
    We went to Lisbon, Portugal after and were not as impressed with it as we had hoped. It looked dirty and rundown and there was construction going on everywhere to accommodate the expats moving there.

  5. Jews should avoid Spain. Recently a Spanish legislator charged Israel as guilty of genocide and there have been large public demonstrations against Israel. If you are Jewish, you should AVOID identifying yourself as Jewish. You may not be safe. As you know, Spain does not have a "good" history regarding Jews, not to mention the Inquisition and kicking out all Jews in 1492.

    Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

  6. Could you give me a suggestion of living in Spanish cities? First, pls avoid areas where there is a second language and I don't want to put any more burden on my child. Second, naturally, the cost of living (especially renting) to be as low as possible. Thanks!

  7. "Investors" mis cojones… Gente que viene a España a reventar los precios de las viviendas no son inversores. Inversor es el que viene a montar una empresa, lo demás es intentar comprar más barato.
    Además, de los que vienen, observando mínimamente te das cuenta de que casi ninguno se adapta y solo están en esas zonas por el sol y los precios más baratos que en el norte de Europa.

  8. Nice video but not for me, it's meant for IT workers with high salaries and rich old north European people. I'm 31 yo and looking to move to Spain and work in tourism industry for some decent salary not going to rent penthouses. 😂

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